Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell got with the GOP in the 80s and formed the Master Plan of a long-standing marriage between the deeply faithful conservatives and the Republican Party.
Their plan actually succeeded as now we have experienced close to ten years of Fundamentalist Christian-friendly politicians including all three branches of government being under GOP control.
The only problem: George W. Bush.
They allowed an utter buffoon and his gang of corporate grifters to head up the culmination of all their hard work and planning and he has proven himself to be the anti-Reagan in every way. He's a no-nothing, vapid, clueless, stubborn dullard who said all the right things but did all the wrong things and as a result the American people have a horrible taste of what a Conservative America would be like.
George W. Bush is the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party from 2006 on.
What will likely happen is that the religious folk will un-gel and their vote will be scattered like it was in the days before Falwell and Robertson leaving the playing field open for more Liberal ideas to take hold i.e. Roe v. Wade.
I feel bad for many of them, though. They were sold a bill of goods by the Republicans regarding bringing God back into the public sphere and they got NOTHING. They were played for suckers by a neocon oligarchy only interested in manipulating world oil prices and relaxing tax burdens on the rich.
As far as the religious Right is concerned, the GOP is that tall, flashy stranger who blew into town and it's now the morning after and all they have to show for their devotion and hard work is an empty bed.