Have we become so Bushized that we, as a people, truly feel that might makes right and if you have a disagreement with someone who is weaker than you that it's perfectly acceptable to kick their ass until they see your way of thinking???
Have we really devolved to the level of a schoolyard bully in our foreign policy???
My support for Barack Obama aside, a presidential candidate has stepped forth who is proposing...hold onto your garters...that we actually TALK WITH our enemies as opposed to gassing up the planes and bombing them to the Iron Age.
My God. Have we come this low that a man with diplomacy and peace in mind as a first option is seen as naive and 'a dreamer'? Shouldn't that be par for the course. Have we normalized the PNAC/neo-con 'shoot first...ask questions never' approach to world affairs?
Remember, this is the guy who thought we should have restraint and wait until all the evidence was verified before we launched strikes on Iraq. Obviously, he is a man of some wisdom and vision.
The fact that a man like that with the idea that we can resolve our differences with a handshake as opposed to a cruise missile is lambasted is truly sad and an indicator that for all the talk of 'values' in our society, that we've truly lost our moral direction. I guess it's a good thing that Bush, Jr. wasn't alive during the Cuban Missile Crisis or else I'd be writing this from the radioactive wasteland that used to be America.
Hopefully, we can find our way soon.
Obama is naive and his latest comments painfully reveal that fact.
There is real evil in the world and America is at war with an evil enemy in the form of radical Islam. The Islamists want to kill us or convert us. They don't want to talk with us
They will just make good use of Obama's lack of experience and his naive outlook the way Iran did with Jimmy Carter.
I respect your opinion but disagree.
Barack Obama is not Jimmy Carter. I think he knows when to use the military and when diplomacy is the best course of action.
If we don't use our military intelligently, it will actually act counter to our goals in the region and PROMOTE terrorism as opposed to stopping it.
Barack was right about the use of force in 2002 and I believe that he has the vision and wisdom to lead this nation effectively.
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