..."The fundamentals of our economy are strong"
John Kerry had 'I voted for it before I voted against it'
Ronald Reagan killed Carter with "...there you go again."
Now John McCain just had his tombstone moment. He made the unfortunate mistake of walking lockstep with the President and the administration on this one just DAYS before the Economic Tsunami hit and he was forced, along with the bumbling President, to retract those statements and ring the alarm bells. It's the equivalent of a carnie assuring nervous parents that 'this ride is absolutely safe' just minutes before their children are crushed under thousands of pounds of smoking, twisted steel.
Those seven words painted John McCain not as a maverick and a shaker-upper but as a mouthpiece for Nero's administration while Rome was ablaze.
In his heart, I honestly believe that John McCain is a good man and that he was a reformer at heart. But in selling his soul to the very people who sank his campaign in 2000, he's been looking less like the driver of the Straight Talk Express and more like just another neocon card in Bush's deck. That's honestly the last thing I expected of him.
It sucks that he had to do that in order to gain support from his own party. They couldn't take him as he was because the GOP, at its core, is not about expressing your ideas...it's about kissing the ring and falling in line with the party's ideals or else you don't get a shot at the title.
Something tells me after this is all over and John's back in Arizona, he'll actually cry in a room alone knowing that his blind lust for a job made him do things that 5 years of physical torture in a dark pit couldn't do...break his spirit and make him compromise his core beliefs.
As far as his decision to postpone his campaign and the first Presidential debate, he apparently won't even need an airplane to fly back to Washington to singlehandedly save the U.S. economy. I mean, without him, we're all doomed, right??? Sure, he's admitted that he doesn't know much about the economy but a little thing like that won't stop him.
What's he going to do? Serve coffee and donuts to the actual Economists who will be solving this crisis?
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