I was having a debate/discussion with someone on Facebook a few days ago about gay marriage and society's embrace of its homosexual population in general when the person broke out and started reciting scripture as though this was some sort of evidence of his point.
Why do that?
Let's say that you're eating a turkey sandwich and I say that you shouldn't do that. When you ask me why and I start quoting from the Bhagavad Gita or the Lotus Sutra, you have every right to wonder what MY religion has to do with YOUR turkey sandwich.
What does YOUR religion have to do with some other person's ability to see their partner in the hospital or have the same tax or healthcare benefits that you and your wife enjoy?
"Marriage" is not a Christian invention and it's not a right exclusive to religious folk. If the captain of a ship or a judge can perform a wedding, it's not a religious ceremony.
Marriage is merely a social contract recognized by the state that some may give religious significance....or they may not.
At the end of the day, I have nothing against people of faith who hold themselves to certain rules and standards but please be careful in projecting your own personal beliefs on the larger section of society that may not believe as you do.
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