I understand why she's all over FoxNews. She's one of the most charismatic, down-to-Earth conservative figures to come along in a very long time. I totally get why surburban soccer mawms all over the country are in love with her. Gotcha.
But I'm really not understanding CNN, MSNBC, Jon Stewart, Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann's OCD fixation with tearing apart every page of her book and every sentence she utters. I hate to admit it but it's almost like they're scared of her and scared of how popular she is among the right wing base...not realizing that by CONSTANTLY demonizing her, they actually make her MORE of a conservative celebrity by proving that the 'liberal media' IS out to get her...because they are.
In all, you'd think that I would have something against Sarah Palin but I honestly don't. She's conservative. I'm not. But her and her family seem like nice people and the constant casting her as a an attractive dummy is only setting her up to exceed low expectations.
I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired of EVERY lead story on MSNBC being some sort of lame Palin Watch. Report real news already. Enough is enough. We get it.
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